Maryborough & District
Western Performance Club INC.

Hi All,
Here is a brief history of my love of horses and in particular western performance.
I was born into a family with a farming history and was around horses right from the beginning. My grandfather made sure I had a horse to ride from the age of 5yrs old. But alas I was 18yrs old before I got my first horse of my own, He was a paint bred trained as a polo cross horse.
I have never had any formal training, the only advice was“If you fall off make sure you get straight back on, or you will loose your nerve” After getting married and a couple of children this got harder and harder to do.
So in 1987 I bought my first trained western horse, an Appaloosa Imp Stallion “BEAU BOTTONS” this little horse was a beauty and really got me hooked on Western.
I mucked around on Beau for 3 yrs not really knowing what I was doing as there was not much training available in this area but I knew I enjoyed the discipline and training that made a western horse.
In the early 1990's I met Neville Noakes, along with Betty Carter and my cousin Debbie Fluerty we started having lessons. After a few months and some changers of horses and saddles ect, we figured it was time to start a club and have a few shows.
So we restarted the “Maryborough And District Western Performance Club” which had it's roots begun back in late 70's by Graham Taylor.
Not long after that my daughter began riding and had a love for jumping and as all mothers do I dropped my love of western and went show jumping with my daughter, “as a strapper.” In 1998 Dee had a car accident and was told no more show jumping so I convinced her to go back to western.
We rejoined the now strong Maryborough and District Western Performance Club, who had just moved to the new indoor arena. I was immediately voted in as Treasurer and held that position for 4yrs and have been an active member along with my Daughter ever since.
I don't ride much any more but still halter my horses and do a little breeding on the side. Our club members are like an extension of my family, I've seen them come through from beginners to open riders, I've known them from babies and go threw to representing Australia in America. I now have my own Granddaughters starting there riding careers and couldn't be prouder of the fact that I was one of the founding members of this club and am sure that we will grow stronger and stronger in this great sport.
Karen Moggs.